Welcome to Delhi.
We, the members of the Local Organising Committee, are very pleased to invite you to Delhi to participate in the IndoUS workshop and International Symposium on “Biological Timing and Health Issues in the 21st Century”, being held at the University of Delhi from February 21 – 24, 2017.
This symposium is organized in conjunction with the IndoUS workshop under the auspices of the IndoUS Joint Center on Biological Timing, the virtual center sanctioned to the Department of Zoology, University of Delhi, India, and Salk Institute for Biological Studies, USA.
This is first ever joint meeting of scientist from India and USA scientists on the subject. Also, this joint meeting will have a host of scientists from India and abroad (countries other than USA), including some who normally do not define their work in the strict domain of timing. It is therefore a great occasion that we actively participate in this workshop and Symposium, share, discuss and exchange our ideas on diverse aspects of science that directly affect us and our ecosystem. Together, we may be able to outline future research goals so as to benefit the mankind and other living beings.
The workshop and symposium offer plenary lectures, thematic workshops and symposia, and special sesssions both in the oral and poster formats. This website presents relevant information on important dates, organization, conference venue, registration, scientific program, abstract submission, accommodation, and other useful links for additional information.
We sincerely wish having you as the workshop/ symposium participant in Delhi in February 2017. In addition to be able to learn some of the most recent advances in the field, you may also see this as an opportunity where you will meet old friends and colleagues, and may initiate new relationships with other scientists working in areas similar or closer to your own.
Looking forward to meeting you in Delhi in February 2017
Vinod Kumar (Convener)
Satchidananda Panda (Co-convener)
IndoUS workshop and Symposium
New Delhi 2017